Planning Process

The Master Planning process was a collaborative effort where the team rigorously examined each school site against the standards and goals of the District. The process brought together and gave a voice to critical members of the PAUSD community. The efforts by staff and community were tremendous and invaluable in developing a district Master Plan.

In April of 2017, the Board of Education authorized work to begin on an update of the 2007 twenty year Facilities Master Plan, with an intent to reflect on the work completed, revisit the long-term plans, develop an updated list of projects, develop updated educational specifications and perform facility assessments for each district property. 

Architecture firms HED and Gelfand Partners, along with the Program Management firm fs3Hodges were engaged to develop an updated project list and budget to be part of the updated plan. Their role was to advise and assist district administration and the Facilities staff in the process of updating the Facilities Master Plan. The Master Plan process involved two parallel activities:

1. Educational Specifications

The development of an Education Specification to identify the program  spaces and to define the specific elements central to making that space successful in supporting its function.  Advisory groups were assembled consisting of Elementary and Secondary school administrators to review these spaces and advise HED and Gelfand Partners on the development of these specifications. The Educational Specifications were the baseline used during the Site Planning activities to help identify deficiencies at each site. Meetings included:

  • Elementary Advisory Group meetings
  • Secondary Advisory Group meetings
  • District Level Meetings

2.  Educational Specifications

The team then met with Advisory groups for each school site to review the needs for each site in relation to the vision outlined in the Educational Specifications. HED and Gelfand Partners let the groups toward  creation of a campus site plan that identified the proposed configuration and  the vision of the campus.  The site plans included in the Master Plan identifies where the new buildings are proposed, which buildings are in need of modernization, site improvements and which buildings will be removed.

District Level Meeting Dates
Meeting Type & Attendees Meeting Dates
Site Walk Through:Gelfand Partners & HED 7/11/2017 7/18/2017 7/20/2017 7/25/2017      
Master Plan Leadership Meeting: All Staff 7/31/2017            
Elementary Advisory Meetings: (See below)* 9/7/2017 10/5/2017 11/2/2017 12/7/2017 1/11/2018 1/2/2018 1/3/2018
Secondary Advisory Meetings: (See below)** 9/12/2017 10/18/2017 11/29/2017 1/24/2018 3/22/2018    
Special Education Elementary: Alma Ellis 12/20/2017 2/6/2018 2/22/2018        
Special Education Secondary: Stephanie Sheridan 2/2/2018 2/12/2018          
Food Services:Alva Spence 1/30/2018            
Technology:Derek Moore 2/6/2018            
Maintenance  : Ron Ellis, Luis Zepeda 11/28/2017 12/19/2017 3/13/2018 3/22/2018      
Superintendent’s Cabinet : Cabinet Members 4/16/2018            

*Elementary Advisory Group

**Secondary Advisory Group

Chris Grierson (Duveneck Principal)

Jerry Berkson (Paly AP)

Katy Bimpson (Hoover Principal)

Adam Paulson (Paly Principal)

Hillary Miller (Palo Verde Principal)

James Lubbe (Greene VP)

Mary Bussman (Walter Hays Principal)

Kathleen Laurence (Gunn Principal)

Shannon Colman (Young Fives Principal)

Melissa Howell (Fletcher Principal)

Li Ezzell (Art Coordinator)

Tara Keith (Gunn VP)

Nancy Coffey (Music and PE Coordinator)

Adam Nelson (JLS VP)


Dave Hoshiwara (Adult School)