Ohlone Elementary School



Ohlone Elementary School

950 Amarillo Avenue

Built: 1949, 1962, 2003, 2011

Total Site Area:

7.2 Acres

Building Area/Miscellaneous Circulation


Parking Area


Hard-Court Play Area


Turf Play Area




Building Area:                          XX,XXX SF

Existing Classroom Size           928 to 1440 SF

2018/2019 Enrollment:           559

Ohlone Elementary School is comprised of seven permanent single-story buildings arranged in an elongated L configuration around a central playground and field space.  Ohlone was built in 1949.

The site is accessed from Amarillo Ave. and is bounded on the remaining sides by residences and a church. The original buildings were the classroom wings and the Administration building, which were built in 1949.  A Multipurpose building and Library Resource Center were constructed in 1962.

In 2003, the Building for Excellence program added another classroom building, and included renovation of the existing classrooms and the Administration building. Modular classrooms were added in 2008.

In 2011 the site received a new two-story building with twelve classrooms that enabled the removal of portables and accommodate growth due to the Mandarin Immersion program. Two Day-Care portables remain in the southwest corner of campus.

The site has a teaching farm and the new classroom building and existing Library are adjacent to it. The Administration, Library, and Multipurpose buildings were not upgraded in 2011 and are currently undersized and due for replacement

Needs Summary

The Multipurpose building is out front of the rest of the campus, making it necessary to have students go outside the boundary of the school to use the building. The Administration wing is tucked behind the Multipurpose building, which makes supervision of visitors difficult. Discussions have led to suggesting that the Administration wing should be forefront to the campus, and that the Multipurpose building be more centrally located to the rest of campus.

The Library building was renovated in 2003 but is oddly shaped and small for the capacity of the school.  The location next to the farm is desirable.

There is one enrichment lab on campus, and the Learning Center is housed in a general classroom.

Proposed masterplan projects include:

  • Demolish and replace the existing administration building
  • Demolish the existing multipurpose and library buildings and construct a new multipurpose and library building in the location of he library
  • Extend an existing classroom wing with a new enrichment lab and learning center
  • Modernization of existing classrooms
  • A/C throughout
  • Exterior envelope improvements
  • Accessible playground

PAUSD plans air conditioning installation at all schools. In conjunction with the air conditioning work the campus will require energy efficiency upgrades including envelope improvements such as new doors and windows, as well as solar panel installation. Classroom modernization will also include an upgraded technology infrastructure and equipment including projectors and LED screens.

Site work includes new paving, accessible playground, and planting.

Facilities Conditions

The school is located on Amarillo Ave., and with its on site parking and drop off layout, has fewer traffic conflicts between vehicle and pedestrian patterns than the other campuses.   ADA site accessibility and parking was improved in 2011 and the campus is primarily in compliance with ADA requirements.

The asphalt fire lanes on campus were installed in 2004.  The hardcourt and parking lot spaces have been resurfaced and are showing no signs of failure. The redtop areas under the canopy are cracked and heaving in some locations and will need to be replaced in the future.

The site sanitary sewer serving the campus is original and has not been replaced to date.  These lines should be evaluated and replaced if necessary.  The domestic water lines were partially replaced in 1989 with copper piping, along with a new backflow preventer. The water line serving the upper wing remains galvanized and should be replaced. The fire water lines were installed during Building for Excellence, as was a new electrical service.  The gas service is run overhead exposed on the roof and was replaced in 1976.  Site drainage systems were installed in 2003 and 2011 to improve drainage on the playgrounds and throughout the campus.

The existing buildings on the Ohlone Elementary School campus are in generally good condition, having been renovated as part of the last two projects.  Buildings on campus have built up roofing, with the two-story wing having metal roofing and a roof deck with pavers. Hollow metal doors and painted stucco exteriors are throughout the campus, with some precast panel system walls at the Library.  The original windows were left in place in the two original classroom wings and include the original single pane glazing. 

The campus was also made accessible during the 2011 project, with path of travel and restroom upgrades throughout the campus. In addition, voluntary seismic upgrades were undertaken for all the buildings and canopy structures, except for the Multipurpose building. Some minor ADA improvements would need to be done to bring the entire campus into ADA compliance.

The campus has four major classroom wings that surround the central play areas.  The two original classroom wings have large windows running the length of the exterior walls and have volume ceilings and clerestory windows in each classroom.  Toward the center of campus, each classroom opens below a large canopy, where picnic tables are arranged outside each classroom to serve as an outdoor learning area for each classroom space.  The third classroom wing includes four new classrooms and was constructed in 2004, while the fourth classroom wing was built in 2011.

The classroom interiors in the two original classroom wings were all modernized in 2003 and 2011, with new flooring, wall surfaces, markerboards, furnace units, lighting, casework, ceilings, power and data distribution. 

The existing 4,092 SF Library was last renovated as part of the Building for Excellence Program in 2003.  Air conditioning was added to this library in 2006. The Administration area was renovated with new flooring, casework and paint. Mechanical equipment, plumbing and lighting were replaced throughout.  The Multipurpose building was only slightly modernized, with new flooring and a handicap lift placed within the interior.  The Multipurpose building at 2,832 SF is undersized for the planned campus capacity.